Weekly Zoom Presentations for Brokers

We are now starting to run regular weekly presentations for brokers, who are looking to expand their business reach. Our objective is to become a strategic partner to life insurance brokerages and individual brokers in North Carolina. We offer you years of experience and personal relationships within the life insurance. You can benefit from these relationships to strengthen your market position, reach more clients and become more profitable. Our presentations are free. You can ask us questions. There’s nothing for you to sign there. And moving forward, we do not charge any annual fees or demand exclusivity.

The Benefits of a Strategic Partnership

Every brokers gets into the life insurance business for two reasons. Primarily, to make a living of course. But, for many brokers the great deciding factor is working with people and helping them achieve their goals. Ultimately improving the overall quality of society. To get started in the industry you have to pick the right carriers for your market. How do you know which one to pick to help your potential clients? That’s the “million dollar question!” Next question comes you once you pick. How do you get contracted to sell the picked carrier’s product? Are there minimum production requirements, annual fees…? Well, we take all these issues off your shoulders. By partnering with us, you’ll get access to a broad range of carriers. This will help you achieve more in our highly competitive life insurance industry, especially considering the highly competitive compensation packages we have to offer.

Training University

Our support system can help you train your brokers on new areas to reach new markets. This translates into more clients for you. Our University will help you and your brokers take your business to the next level. You will have access to on demand training sessions and as well as live interactive group or one on one trainings. Again, many of these are free, but not all of course.

Join Our Presentations for Brokers

Our presentations for brokers are free, but you still need to register, because capacity is limited. In order to have time for you, and any questions you may have, we limited each session to 10 attendees. You can reserve your spot by going to our EventBrite page here. We aer looking forward to meeting with you in our next session.

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